Privacy policy

Our Commitment

‘At The Races’ is fully committed to respecting your privacy and to protecting any information you provide to us. ‘At The Races’ treats both privacy and security as a priority and makes every effort to ensure that all the information provided by you is protected.

This policy explains what information ‘At The Races’ collects about you and how this information is then used. ‘At The Races’ hopes that this will remove any concerns you may have and will make using any services of ‘At The Races’ from time to time (each a “Relevant Service”) and which may direct you to our Privacy Policy prior to use a fun, exciting and safe experience.

‘At The Races’ may amend this policy from time to time so please review it periodically. Furthermore please note that this policy does not cover the use of your information by websites or other third party interactive services accessed via links from a Relevant Service. You should check the privacy policies of such other websites or services before you provide them with your information.

What information does ‘At The Races’ Collect?

Registering as a customer

To use certain Relevant Services, you may need to register for that Relevant Service and to provide your full name, postcode, address and contact telephone number and date of birth. You may also be asked for your email address and/or occupation when registering via particular Relevant Services. Your credit/debit card information may be required in order to open an Account for certain Relevant Services.


If you enter a competition or other promotional feature on a Relevant Service, you will be asked for your name, address, contact telephone number and/or e-mail address so ‘At The Races’ can administer and control the competition and of course notify and publicise the winners.

Market Research

‘At The Races’ may contact you by post, email and/or SMS (if you have chosen to provide us with your mobile number) from time to time to conduct market research and surveys which may involve you providing personal information should you choose to participate.


If you interact with our website, ‘At The Races’ will receive and store certain information as “cookies”. Cookies are files which are sent to your browser and stored on your personal computer’s hard disk and are used by most on-line companies. ‘At The Races’ uses cookies to help you use its website, not to store personal identifying information.

You may disable cookies via your browser preferences (most modern browsers have cookies turned on as a default). If you choose to disable cookies you may have difficulties accessing certain areas of the website.

If you interact with third party advertising on our website, the relevant third party advertiser(s) may place cookies on your browser. If you are unable to disable cookies via your browser preferences, please go to the relevant advertiser’s website in order to opt-out of or block their cookies.

How does ‘At The Races’ use and to whom does ‘At The Races’ disclose the Information it Collects?

‘At The Races’ uses the information it collects as follows:

To provide all services available through its Relevant Services and to process and administer your Account(s) – including verification of any financial and/or personal information submitted, risk management and to comply with money laundering and other regulations (this may be done by third party contractors);

To give you a personalised experience based on the information you provide to ‘At The Races’; To provide you with up-to-date information about ‘At The Races’’ services (including gaming services), changes to the Relevant Services and special offers, which ‘At The Races’ feel you may find valuable by post or email or SMS (if you have chosen to provide us with your mobile number);

To process any associated administration for general statistical and marketing purposes and to monitor visitor traffic patterns and site usage to help us continually improve the services you receive from ‘At The Races’;

‘At The Races’ may allow its commercial partners from time to time to contact you by post, email or SMS to make you aware of any special offers or other promotions that they are running. Any such contact or promotions will be controlled by ‘At The Races’.

We only hold your information for the purposes described above. If you later decide that you do not wish to be contacted by ‘At The Races’ for marketing and/or promotional purposes you may unsubscribe, as set out at the end of this policy.

How does ‘At The Races’ protect your infomation?

‘At The Races’ is committed to protecting its customers’ information. ‘At The Races’ takes the security of your personal details very seriously and its service providers have implemented a number of sophisticated authentication services and security measures to ensure the safety of any personal information provided.

All sensitive and credit or debit card information supplied by any user of a Relevant Service is transmitted via industry standard technology. Your credit card or debit card number and your password details will be encrypted and not available to any unauthorised persons.

Your Videopro Account is protected though the use of a Username and Password and all information is contained on a secure server which is accessible only by a limited number of employees who have authorised access rights to such information. If your Username or Password have been compromised in any way you should immediately notify ‘At The Races’ and change details.

Please remember that you are entirely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your Username and Password and any other data used in connection with any Account for Relevant Services, and you should not allow any other party to have access to this information or to use your Account. You should immediately notify ‘At The Races’ of any unauthorised use of your Account, or any other breach of security known to you.

Whilst ‘At The Races’ uses every effort to protect your security, data transmission online or over the Internet and the World Wide Web cannot always be guaranteed as 100% secure and you use the Relevant Services at your own risk.


By disclosing any personal information to ‘At The Races’ when using a Relevant Service you consent to the collection, storage, use and disclosure of all personal information provided to ‘At The Races’ as set out in this Privacy Policy. If ‘At The Races’ make any changes to this Privacy Policy, the changes will be posted on the Privacy Policy pages of our website or otherwise notified to you.

If you would like to know what information we hold about you, have any queries about our Privacy Policy or do not wish to continue to receive promotional or marketing information from ‘At The Races’ or any third parties, please contact us at or write to Customer Services, Attheraces Limited, 14th Floor, Millbank Tower, 21-24 Millbank Tower, London SW1P 4QP.